Weekend Lite: Linkbaiting 101

Linkbait is a big buzz word nowadays and pretty much a prerequisite to any link building campaign. Tabloids have learned the science of what we’d label as linkbaiting long ago, so probably it’s time to bring it online and adapt it to our relality.

So what do you need to create linkbait?

1. Throw together a lot of buzzwords like viral marketing, SEO, iPod, Podcast, Google, Yahoo, whatever

2. Make sure you mention popular people and/or A-list bloggers like Matt Cutts or Jeremy Zawodny or Robert Scoble or Steve Rubel or Seth Godin or Mickey Mouse or all of them together in the same post. Throw in other names depending on the industry you’re targeting

3. If there’s no news, make it up. The more your writing looks like you’ve been hallucinating when writing it the better

4. Take some rumours and present them as facts, invent some additional details to make them more impressive – nevermind the lawsuit those affected by your interpreteation would possible threaten you with later on – by that time the traffic and the clicks on your ads would have generated you enough income to cover the cost of a good lawyer. Heck, the lawsuit will even generate more traffic

Disclaimer: the author bears no responsibility for the consequences of applying this advise partially or completely to your blog/web site.



