SEO Commands for Ubiquity

Recently Jadehat has shown me a cool plugin for FireFox called Ubiquity (thank you Jadehat!) which I fell in love with immediately. It lets you easily do a lot of things in your browser by simply entering the commands. What’s better yet, it lets you create your own commands to teach Ubiquity your own useful things.

Well so, it didn’t take me long to want to create some such commands! First of all, I wanted to have a command that would check WHOIS using DomainTools and couldn’t find anything among existing commands – that’s how I wrote my first custom command. Later on as I was doing my own stuff, I came across other things that I wanted to make into Ubiquity commands – so far, I got 3 of them and planning to add more soon for other SEO related actions. I thought other SEOs would also benefit from these commands so I made them publicly available. Everybody interested can get my Ubiquity SEO commands here.  Watch that page as I will be adding more commands as I come up with them!



